On one hand this possibility supports the in-house standardizing in an efficient way and on the other hand it provides the opportunity that several project engineers can work on huge applications simultaneously in accordance with the company standards. It is also possible to export these settings and to import them again to any other WinCC project. Global settings which can be done in the graphics system enable the project engineers to implement once defined company standards in a WinCC project and to apply these timesaving to all picture objects which have the same attributes. The use of these components enables the project developer to create his own at any time reusable company specific project standards which results in a much shorter Time-to- Market for the project. The modern graphics system of WinCC supports the work of a project engineer as well by the use of standardized preconfigured picture components as when creating user definable picture components and faceplates.
But it is also possible to login using a chip card where name, domain and password is saved in encrypted form. That’s why it is possible for users to login and to logout using their native language via keyboard. Login device: Keyboard/ Chip card Reader / other devices Language- and environment settings (Domain / Workgroup) Using a configuration tool there are several setting options possible SIMATIC Logon supports a plant wide user management and protects against unauthorized data manipulations. Therefore it also covers the extended FDA safety requirements. The user management with SIMATIC Logon which is a part of the basic system is integrated into the security system as well as into the user administration of Windows. In total it is possible to assign 999 different permissions. For up to 128 user groups with up to 128 single users each the access rights for WinCC functions can be administered. Using the WinCC User Administration you consistently can assign and check the access rights of the users regardless if it is a local access or if the access is web based. This makes commissioning considerably easier in international teams. This means that it is possible to display multiple languages parallel to each other, such as message texts in European and Asian languages. This is independent of the language set in the operating system. Thanks to UNICODE support, the display language can be changed at any time during operation. WinCC allows you to implement display languages in a simple and cost-effective manner.
For example it is possible to display messages simultaneously using different languages when working in international teams. Every operator can individually choose the language of the displayed texts.
The appropriate operator language is independent regardless of the language of the installed operating system. Vice versa it is of course possible to import all these texts after they are translated to any language. By the utilization of the TextLibrary it is possible to export all (or subsets of the) texts used in WinCC. The use of UNICODE makes the implementation of global applications very easy. The administration and implementation of the messages for the destination countries is clearly arranged and therefore efficient to manage. This reduces costs, avoids waste, improves the utilization of production facilities and ultimately guarantees better efficiency and cost effectiveness for the company. The intelligent use of information improves the processes in the company for a fast return on investment. SIMATIC WinCC provides you with high transparency and the basis for process optimization. This requires an integrated flow of information across all operating levels and locations. To ensure the highest possible productivity at the same time, it has to be possible to make prompt, target-oriented decisions regarding process optimization at all levels of a company. Manufacturing processes are becoming more and more complex against a background of ever increasing quality requirements coupled with fast product changes and frequent modifications. SIMATIC WinCC supports short Time-to-Market when building new plants and achieves a minimum of downtime when doing plant modifications because of its efficient engineering tools.Įfficient operations management – the WinCC Runtime functionality One response to this pressure has to be efficient engineering on the SCADA layer. Intelligent tools for efficient engineeringĭue to the permanently increasing level of automation and the related complexity of the plants the cost – and time – pressure is increasing because of the international competition.